Research Units for Exploring Future Horizons
Creating New Academic Fields
The Research Units for Exploring Future Horizons were launched to integrate the diverse academic specialties (interdisciplinary fusion) of the Kyoto University Institutes and Centers as members of the KURCA, and create new academic fields, adopting a bottom-up approach. They are 4 research project units, each of which addresses ‘unexplored areas of science’ for the creation of new academic fields.
Research Units for Exploring Future Horizons
The percolation model explains that an independent event is led to a cluster of connected events when it exceeds a certain level, and it finally percolates over the entire structure. The figure above based on the percolation model describes the creation of new academic fields in connection with the Research Units Exploring Future Horizons.
International Research Unit of Quantum Information, Kyoto University (QIU)
Multi-layer network research unit
Research Unit for Realization of Sustainable Society
The Data-oriented Area Studies Unit (DASU)
The International Research Unit of Advanced Future Studies
Human & Nature Interlaced Life Science
Research Unit for Development of Global Sustainability
Unit of Academic Knowledge Integration Studies